راکتور non-isothermal در MATLAB


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% Start fresh ----------------------------------------------------------
      clear all

% The following line passes Alpha and Beta into a function
      global Alpha Beta

% Program header -------------------------------------------------------
      disp('Simulate a non-isothermal 1st-order reactor:       ')
      disp('  dc/dt = 1 - c - xk*c         ... material balance')
      disp('  dT/dt = 1 - T - alpha*xk*c   ... enthalpy balance')
      disp(' ')

% Read/assign model parameters -----------------------------------------
      Alpha = -5.;
      Beta  =  2.;

% Initial values (row vector) ------------------------------------------
      y0(1) = 1. ;
      y0(2) = 0.1;

% Integration limits ---------------------------------------------------
      t0 = 0.;   % Start time
      tf = 1.;   % Finish time

% Call a routine to solve ODE ------------------------------------------
%     [t y] = ode45('odefcn', t0, tf, y0);         %MATLAB v4
      [t y] = ode45('odefcn', [t0:0.01:tf], y0);   %MATLAB v5

% Save the result in a file
      temp = [t y]; save ode.dat temp -ascii
%     save ode.dat [t y] -ascii   %This does not work!

% Plot the result
      plot(t, y)
%     plot(t, 10*y(:,1), t, y(:,2))  %Plot with different scales
%     plot(y(:,1), y(:,2))           % plot y1 versus y2 (phase trajectory)

% The following command saves the plot in a file named ODE.MET
%     meta ode     %obsolute in v.4  use "print"
% To convert ODE.MET into a postscript file name OUTPUT.PS, issue from DOS
%     DOS>matprint ode
% In the basement of Eng. Class Bldg, send OUTPUT.PS to a printer from Windows